Notary Public in Thailand

Notary Public in Thailand. In Thailand, the role of a Notary Public is essential in verifying and certifying the authenticity of documents, signatures, and transactions. A Notary Public serves as a public official appointed by the Ministry of Justice, playing a crucial role in adding credibility and legal weight to various types of documents. This comprehensive guide delves into the functions, significance, and procedures associated with Notary Public services in Thailand.

The Role of Notary Public in Thailand

1. Legal Authority: A Notary Public in Thailand is a public official appointed by the Ministry of Justice under the provisions of the Notarial Services Act. This designation grants the Notary Public the legal authority to perform various acts related to the authentication of documents, signatures, and legal instruments.

2. Certification and Verification: The primary function of a Notary Public is to certify the authenticity of signatures on documents. This involves verifying the identity of the signatory, ensuring that they are willingly and knowingly signing the document, and confirming their legal capacity to do so.

3. Document Authentication: Notaries Public in Thailand are entrusted with the authentication of a wide range of documents, including powers of attorney, affidavits, contracts, and other legal instruments. The notarization process provides an official seal of authenticity, making these documents acceptable in legal proceedings.

4. Witnessing Signatures: Notaries Public may act as witnesses to the signing of documents, ensuring that the signing process adheres to legal requirements. Additionally, Notaries Public have the authority to administer oaths and affirmations when necessary.

5. Notarization for International Use: Given Thailand’s prominence in international business and transactions, Notary Public services are often crucial for documents intended for use abroad. The official seal of a Notary Public enhances the credibility of these documents, making them acceptable in jurisdictions outside Thailand.

Notary Public Services in Thailand:

1. Eligibility and Appointment: Becoming a Notary Public in Thailand involves a formal appointment process by the Ministry of Justice. Eligible candidates typically possess legal qualifications and are required to pass an examination to demonstrate their understanding of notarial practices.

2. Document Review: Before notarizing a document, a Notary Public conducts a thorough review to ensure its accuracy and completeness. This includes verifying the identities of the parties involved, confirming that the document adheres to legal standards, and checking for any potential issues.

3. Affixing the Notarial Seal: Upon satisfactory review, the Notary Public affixes their official seal to the document. This seal typically includes the Notary’s name, commission number, and other relevant details. The seal is a visual indication of the Notary Public’s authority and verification.

4. Oaths and Affirmations: Notaries Public have the authority to administer oaths and affirmations. This is particularly relevant when individuals need to make sworn statements or affidavits, adding a legal solemnity to the proceedings.

5. Powers of Attorney: Notaries Public often play a critical role in the notarization of powers of attorney. They ensure that individuals granting such powers fully understand the implications and consequences of their actions.

Notary Public vs. Consular Legalization:

It’s important to distinguish between notarization by a Notary Public and consular legalization. Notarization is the process performed by a Notary Public to verify signatures and authenticate documents. Consular legalization involves additional steps, where the document is further authenticated by the consular office of the destination country.

Challenges and Considerations:

1. Language Barriers: For individuals who do not speak Thai fluently, language barriers may pose challenges during the notarization process. Engaging a translator or seeking assistance from a bilingual professional can help overcome this hurdle.

2. Legal Understanding: While Notaries Public are knowledgeable about notarial practices, they may not provide legal advice. Individuals requiring legal guidance should consult with an attorney to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the legal implications of their documents.

3. Consistency in Notarial Practices: Notarial practices may vary from country to country, and individuals dealing with international transactions should be aware of the specific requirements for notarized documents in their destination jurisdiction.


Notaries Public in Thailand play a crucial role in upholding the authenticity of legal documents, facilitating transactions, and contributing to the integrity of the legal system. Their authority to verify signatures, authenticate documents, and administer oaths adds a layer of trust to various legal processes.

Understanding the functions and procedures related to Notary Public services is essential for individuals involved in legal transactions in Thailand. Whether notarizing powers of attorney, certifying affidavits, or verifying signatures, the services of a Notary Public contribute to the credibility and acceptance of documents in various legal contexts.

In the complex landscape of legal transactions, Notaries Public in Thailand stand as guardians of authenticity, ensuring that documents hold the weight of legal validity and can be relied upon in both domestic and international arenas.

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