Notary Public in Thailand

Notary Public in Thailand. In Thailand, the role of a Notary Public is essential in verifying and certifying the authenticity of documents, signatures, and transactions. A Notary Public serves as a public official appointed by the Ministry of Justice, playing a crucial role in adding credibility and legal weight to various types of documents. This […]

Breach of Contract in Thailand

Contracts are the foundation of business and personal transactions, providing a framework for parties to define their rights and obligations. In Thailand, as in many jurisdictions, a breach of contract occurs when one party fails to fulfill its contractual obligations. This comprehensive guide explores the legal implications, types of breaches, and remedies associated with breach […]

Personal Injury Claims in Thailand

Accidents and injuries can have profound effects on individuals’ lives, leading to physical, emotional, and financial challenges. In Thailand, as in many jurisdictions, individuals who suffer harm due to the negligence or intentional actions of others have the right to seek compensation through personal injury claims. This comprehensive guide explores the key aspects of personal […]

Medical Malpractice in Thailand

Medical malpractice, though relatively uncommon, can have serious consequences for patients and healthcare providers alike. In Thailand, a country with a growing healthcare sector, understanding the legal aspects of medical malpractice is crucial for both medical professionals and patients. This comprehensive guide explores the dynamics of medical malpractice in Thailand, the legal frameworks governing it, […]

Dispute Resolution in Thailand

Dispute resolution is an integral part of any society, and Thailand, with its rich cultural heritage and evolving legal landscape, has developed diverse mechanisms to address conflicts. This comprehensive guide explores the dynamics of dispute resolution in Thailand, examining both traditional and legal frameworks, cultural considerations, and the ways in which individuals and businesses navigate […]

Trade Disputes in Thailand

Trade disputes are a common occurrence in the global business landscape, and Thailand, as a major player in international trade, is no exception. These disputes can arise from various sources, such as contract disagreements, payment issues, or disagreements over the quality of goods or services. This comprehensive guide explores the dynamics of trade disputes in […]

Labor Disputes in Thailand

Labor disputes are an inherent part of the employment landscape, arising from differences between employers and employees regarding various employment-related matters. In Thailand, the resolution of labor disputes is governed by specific legal frameworks aimed at maintaining industrial peace and safeguarding the rights and interests of both employers and employees. This comprehensive guide explores the […]

Civil and Criminal Cases in Thailand

Thailand’s legal system encompasses a diverse array of cases, with civil and criminal matters constituting the foundation of its judicial landscape. This comprehensive guide delves into the distinctions between civil and criminal cases in Thailand, examining their key characteristics, legal procedures, and the cultural context that influences these legal proceedings. Civil Cases in Thailand: Overview: […]

Child Legitimation in Thailand

Child legitimation is a legal process that establishes the legal relationship between a father and a child born out of wedlock. In Thailand, legitimating a child involves specific legal procedures to grant the child the same rights as those born within a marriage. This comprehensive guide explores the legal framework for child legitimation in Thailand, […]

Child Support in Thailand

Child support is a vital aspect of family law that plays a crucial role in ensuring the financial well-being of children after the dissolution of a marriage or relationship. In Thailand, child support matters are guided by legal frameworks that prioritize the best interests of the child. This comprehensive guide provides insights into the legal […]